Fábio Gonçalves, Gonçalo O. Silva, Alexandre Santos, Ana M. Rocha, Hugo Peixoto, Dalila Durães, José Machado
Urban Traffic Simulation Using Mobility Patterns Synthesized from Real Sensors
Journal Electronics - Special Issue: Active Mobility: Innovations, Technologies, and Applications), Electronics ISSN: 2079-9292, Vol. 12(24), Dec, 2023
Paulo J. Araújo;, Helena Fernández López, João Faria, Alexandre Santos
Towards Mobility Management in MEC Simulation
9th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft'2023), Madrid, Spain, 19-23 Jun, 2023
Bruno Ribeiro, M. João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Evaluation of a Collision Prediction System for VRUs Using V2X and Machine Learning: Intersection Collision Avoidance for Motorcycles
28th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'2023), Tunis, Tunisia, 09-12 Jul, 2023
Bruno Ribeiro, M. João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Using Machine Learning on V2X Communications Data for VRU Collision Prediction
Journal Sensors (ISSN:1424-8220), Vol.23, Issue 3, Jan, 2023
Bruno Ribeiro, M. João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Machine Learning for VRUs accidents prediction using V2X data
38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'2023), Tallinn, Estonia, 26-31 Mar, 2023
Fábio Gonçalves, B. Ribeiro, J. Santos, O. Gama, F. Castro, J. Fernandes, António Costa, Bruno Dias, M.João Nicolau, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
Enhancing VRUs Safety with V2P communications: an experiment with hidden pedestrians on a crosswalk
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT'2022), ISBN 979-8-3503-9866-3, pp 96-103, Valencia, Spain, 11-13 Oct, 2022
Oscar Gama, António Costa, Maria João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos, Joaquim Macedo, Bruno Dias, Fábio Gonçalves, Bruno Ribeiro
Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Virtual Traffic Light System for VANETs
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT'2022), ISBN 979-8-3503-9866-3, pp 177-184, Valencia, Spain, 11-13 Oct, 2022
Bruno Ribeiro, Alexandre Santos, M. João Nicolau
Leveraging Vehicular Communications in Automatic VRUs Accidents Detection
13th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN'2022), Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 Jul, 2022
Fábio Gonçalves, B. Ribeiro, O. Gama, M. J. Nicolau, B. Dias, A. Costa, Alexandre Santos, J. Macedo
Agnostic Middleware for VANETs: Specification, Implementation and Testing.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems, ISBN 978-989-758-592-0, ISSN 2184-948X, pages 84-92,, 11-14 Jul, 2022
Fábio Gonçalves, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
An Intelligent Hierarchical Security Framework for VANETs
Journal Information. 2021; Vol. 12, Number 11:455.
Fábio Gonçalves, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
Intelligent Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System for VANETs
13th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT 2021), Online, 25-27 October, 2021
Henrique Santos, A. Oliveira, L. Soares, Alan Satis, Alexandre Santos
Information Security Assessment and Certification within Supply Chains
The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021), DOI 10.1145/3465481.3470078, 17-20 Aug, 2021.
Nuno Leite, Alexandre Santos, Nuno Lopes
Assuring M2M Secure Transactions via Blockchain and Smart Contracts
JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS (ISSN 1845-6421), Vol.17, No. 3, pp. 260-269, DOI 10.24138/jcomss-2021-0034, Aug, 2021.
Fábio Gonçalves, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
Evaluation of VANET Datasets in context of an Intrusion Detection System
29th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2021), Hvar, Croatia, 23-25 September, 2021
Sofiane Amara, Fatima Bendella, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
Forming Suitable Groups in MCSCL Environments
International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ISSN 1550-1876), Vol. 17 (1), 2021.
Fábio Gonçalves, B. Ribeiro, O. Gama, J. Santos, António Costa, Bruno Dias, M. João Nicolau, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
Synthesizing Datasets with Security Threats for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2020: 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM'2020), DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM42002.2020.9348149, Taipei,
Taiwan, 7-11 December, 2020
Oscar Gama, Alexandre Santos, António Costa, Maria João Nicolau,Bruno Dias, Joaquim Macedo, Bruno Ribeiro, Fábio Gonçalves, João Simões
Evaluation of Push and Pull Communication Models on a VANET with Virtual Traffic Lights
Journal Information 2020, Vol. 11, 510, 2020
Tatiana Sorrentino, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos, Claudia Ribeiro, Victor Vieira and Marlon Secundo
Are the University Websites Accessible? A check based on the principles of W3C
10th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems (EATIS 2020), Aveiro, Portugal, November 25-27, 2020
Oscar Gama, Alexandre Santos, António Costa, Bruno Dias, Joaquim Macedo, Maria João Nicolau, Bruno Ribeiro, Fábio Gonçalves
Evaluation of Broadcast Storm Mitigation Techniques on Vehicular Networks enabled by WAVE or NDN
3rd EAI International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems (INTSYS'2019), DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-38822-5_15, Braga, Portugal, 4-6 December, 2019
Fábio Gonçalves, B. Ribeiro, O. Gama, Bruno Dias, Joaquim Macedo, M. João Nicolau, António Costa, Alexandre Santos
A Systematic Review on Intelligent Intrusion Detection systems for VANETs
11th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT'2019), DOI 10.1109/ICUMT48472.2019.8970942, Dublin, Ireland, October, 28-30, 2019
P. Araujo, Alexandre Santos, António Costa, F. Gonçalves, B. Ribeiro, Vadym Hapanchak, O. Gama, Bruno Dias, Joaquim Macedo, M. João Nicolau
Performance Analysis of two Machine-to-Machine Architecture Types in Vehicular Communications
8th IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on the Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services, WoWMoM 2019, DOI 10.1109/WoWMoM.2019.8793024, Washington DC, USA, June 10-12, 2019
Vadym Hapanchak, António Costa, Joaquim Macedo, Bruno Dias, M. João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos, B. Ribeiro, F. Gonçalves, O. Gama, P. Araujo
Simulation and Testing of a Platooning Cooperative Longitudinal Controller
2nd EAI International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-14757-0_6, Guimarães, Portugal, November 21-23, 2018
Bruno Dias, Alexandre Santos, António Costa, B. Ribeiro, F. Gonçalves, Joaquim Macedo, M. João Nicolau, O. Gama, S. Sousa
Agnostic and Modular Architecture for the Development of Cooperative ITS Applications
JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS (ISSN 1845-6421), Vol.14, No.3, pp 218-227, DOI 10.24138/jcomss.v14i3.550, September, 2018
Fábio Gonçalves, B. Ribeiro, V. Hapanchak, S. Barros, O. Gama, P. Araujo, M. João Nicolau, Bruno Dias, Joaquim Macedo, António Costa, Alexandre Santos
Secure Management of Autonomous Vehicle Platooning
14th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (MSWIM'2018), DOI: 10.1145/3267129.3267146, Montreal, Canada, Oct/28th-Nov/2nd, 2018
Bruno Ribeiro, F. Gonçalves, V. Hapanchak, O. Gama, S. Barros, P. Araujo, António Costa, M. João Nicolau, , Bruno Dias, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos
PlaSA - Platooning Service Architecture
8th ACM International Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications (MSWIM'18), DOI: 10.1145/3272036.3272042, Montreal, Canada, Oct/28th-Nov/2nd, 2018
Tatiana Sorrentino, Claudia Ribeiro, Marlon Secundo, Victor Vieira, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos
Using Semantic Web to Improve Accessibility to Visually Impaired Users
9th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems (EATIS 2018), DOI: 10.1145/3293614.3293638, Fortaleza, Brazil, November 12th-15th, 2018
Oscar Gama, António Costa, Maria João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos, Joaquim Macedo, Bruno Dias, Bruno Ribeiro, Fábio Gonçalves, Vadym Hapanchak, Sara Barros
Performance Evaluation of an Emergency Vehicle in a Simulated Traffic Scenario
16th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST'2018), DOI 10.1109/ITST.2018.8566959, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-17 October, 2018
Fábio Gonçalves, Alexandre Santos, António Costa, Bruno Dias, B. Ribeiro, J. Macedo, M. J. Nicolau, S. Sousa, O. Gama, S. Barros, V. Hapanchak
Hybrid Model for Secure Communications and Identity Management in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT'2017), DOI 10.1109/ICUMT.2017.8255170, Munich, Germany, 6-9 November, 2017 (Best Paper Award in session "Intelligent Connected Applications")
Susana Sousa, Alexandre Santos, António Costa, Bruno Dias, Bruno Ribeiro, Fábio Gonçalves, Joaquim Macedo, Maria João Nicolau and Oscar Gama
A New Approach on Communications Architectures for Intelligent Transportation Systems
12th International Conference on Future Networks and Communication (FNC-2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.06.101, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 July, 2017
Bruno Ribeiro, Fábio Gonçalves, Alexandre Santos, Maria João Nicolau, Bruno Dias, Joaquim Macedo and António Costa
Simulation and Testing of a Platooning Management Protocol Implementation
15th IFIP WG 6.2 International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC 2017), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61382-6_14, St. Petersburg, Russia, 21-23 June, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, pp 174-185, Vol. 10372, Springer, 2017
Oscar Gama, Maria Joao Nicolau, Antonio Costa, Alexandre Santos, Joaquim Macedo and Bruno Dias
Evaluation of Message Dissemination Methods in VANETs using a Cooperative Traffic Efficiency Application
13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017), DOI: 10.1109/IWCMC.2017.7986332, Valencia, Spain, 26-30/Jun, 2017
Tiago Cecílio, Teresa Coelho Moreira, Alexandre Santos
A protecção dos menores na sociedade da informação:
desafios criados pelas redes sociais
Revista Scientia Ivridica, Tomo LXV, Nº 341, 259-289, Maio/Agosto, 2016
Tatiana Sorrentino, Alexandre Santos, Joaquim Macedo, Claudia Ribeiro
An Adaptive Semantic Model to Enhance Web Accessibility to Visually Impaired Users
The 15th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics, LNCS 10033, pp. 682-689, ODBASE'2016, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-48472-3_41, Rhodes, Greece, 24-27/Oct, 2016
Ana Filipa Pereira, Maria Joao Nicolau, Antonio Costa, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
Named Data for Mobile AdHoc Networks
2nd International Workshop on Future Internet and Smart Networks, FI&SN'2016, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-690-3-288, London, UK, 12-13/Sep, 2016
Bruno Ribeiro, Alexandre Santos and Maria Joao Nicolau
A Survey on Vehicular Communication Technologies
2nd International Workshop on Future Internet and Smart Networks, FI&SN'2016, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-690-3-308, London, UK, 12-13/Sep, 2016
Sofiane Amara, Joaquim Macedo, Fatima Bendella and Alexandre Santos
Group Formation in Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Contexts: A systematic literature review
Journal of Educational Technology & Society (ISSN 1436-4522), Vol. 19 (2), 258-273, 2016.
Tatiana Sorrentino, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos and Claudia Ribeiro
An Adaptive Semantic Model for Internet Accessibility Visually Impaired Users
17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, iiWAS2015, DOI: 10.1145/2837185.2837255, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13/Dec, 2015
Sofiane Amara, Fatima Bendella, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
Using students' learning style to create effective learning groups in MCSCL environments
1st National Conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems, EDiS 2015, Oran, Algeria, 15-16/Nov, 2015
Paulo Duarte, Joaquim Macedo, António Costa, M. João Nicolau and Alexandre Santos
A Probabilistic Interest Forwarding Protocol for Named Data Delay Tolerant Networks
7th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks, AdHocNets'2015,, San Remo, Italy, 1-2 Sep, 2015 (Best Student Paper Award)
Xuejie Liu, M. João Nicolau, António Costa, Joaquim Macedo and Alexandre Santos
A Geographic Opportunistic Forwarding Strategy for Vehicular Named Data Networking
International Workshop on Future Internet and Smart Networks, FI&SN'2015,, Guimaraes, Portugal, 7-9 Oct, 2015
Seilendria Hadiwardoyo, Alexandre Santos
Deploying Public Surface Transit to Forward Messages in DTN
11th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2015), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24-27 Aug, 2015
Sofiane Amara, Joaquim Macedo, Fatima Bendella and Alexandre Santos
Dynamic Group Formation in Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment
International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2015),, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 May, 2015
António Sousa, António Costa, Alexandre Santos, Filipe Meneses and Maria João Nicolau
Using DNS to establish a Localization Service
2014 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation,
(IPIN'2014),, Busan, Korea, 27-30 Oct, 2014
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Henrique Silva, Alexandre Santos
A Secure QoS Proposal for Vehicular Networks
3rd International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo
(ICCVE 2014),, Vienna, 3-7 Nov, 2014
Andre Almeida, Nuno Lopes, Alexandre Santos
Intelligent Handover for Vehicular Networks
SoftCom 2014 - 22th International Conference on on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks,, pp 298-304, Sep, 2014
Alexandre Santos, M. João Nicolau, Bruno Dias, Pedro Queirós
Open Architecture for Quality of Service Monitoring at a National Research and Education Network
29th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2014),, Krakow, Poland, 27-28 Oct, 2014
in Information Sciences and Systems 2014, Tadeusz Czachorski et al (Eds), Springer International Publishing, pp 145-155, ISBN 978-3-319-09464-9, 2014
Alexandre Santos, Joaquim Macedo, António Costa, M. João Nicolau
Internet of Things and Smart Objects for M-Health Monitoring and Control
3rd International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCIst'2014), DOI 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.10.152, Troia, Portugal, 15-17 Oct, 2014
Pedro Queirós, Maria João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Solução Aberta para uma Rede de Sondas de QoS na RCTS
13ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, CRC'2013, ISBN 978-972-8793-62-3, Leiria, 14-15 Nov, 2013
José Teixeira, Gianni Antichi, Davide Adami, Alessio Del Chiaro, Stefano Giordano, Alexandre Santos
Datacenter in a box: test your SDN cloud-datacenter controller at home
EWSDN 2013 - 2nd European Workshop on Software Defined Networks (ISBN 978-1-4799-2433-2), 2013, Berlin, Germany, 10-11 Oct, 2013
Fabio Goncalves, Joaquim Macedo, Maria Joao Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Security Architecture for Mobile E-Health Applications in Medication Control
SoftCom 2013 - 21th International Conference on on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (ISBN 978-953-290-041-5),, 2013, FESB, University of Split, 18-20 Sep, 2013
Isabel Laranjo, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos
Internet of Things for Medication Control: E-Health Architecture and Service Implementation
International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare, Vol. 2, Nº 3, DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2013070101, July-September 2013
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
A QoS-Enabled Resource Management Scheme for F-HMIPv6 Micro Mobility Approach
Journal of Telecommunication Systems, ISSN: 1018-4864 (print), Springer US,, Vol.52, Issue 1, pp 341-357, Jan 2013
Isabel Laranjo, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos
Internet of Things for Medication Control: Service Implementation and Testing
HCIST 2012 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, Elsevier Procedia Technology, Vol 5, pages 777--786, 2012
Joao Veiga, Antonio Costa, Alexandre Santos
Securing Anycast Communications in IPv6 Networks by means of IPSec
SoftCom 2012 - 20th International Conference on on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2012, FESB, University of Split, 11
-13 Sep, 2012 (Published by IEEE Xplore)
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Evaluation of a Mobility/QoS-aware Architecture for Mobile Internet
JCOMSS - Journal of Communications Software and Systems (ISSN 1845-6421), Volume: 8 Number: 1, 2012
João Veiga, António Costa, Alexandre Santos
Uma solução IPSec para comunicações seguras Anycast em redes IPv6
11ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, CRC'2011, ISBN 975-969-96001-6-4, Universidade de Coimbra, 17-18 Nov, 2011
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Performance Analysis of a new Mobility/QoS-aware Architecture
19th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2011, ISBN 978-953-290-027-9, IEEE Catalogue Number CFP1187A-CDR, FESB, University of Split, 15-17 Sep, 2011 (Best Student Paper Award)
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
A QoS-Enabled Resource Management Scheme for F-HMIPv6 Micro Mobility Approach
Journal of Telecommunication Systems, ISSN: 1572-9451 (online), Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11235-011-9653-7, Oct 2011
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
A QoS/Mobility-Aware Model for Mobile Internet
JCOMSS - Journal of Communications Software and Systems (ISSN 1845-6421), Volume: 7 Number: 2, 2011
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
A QoS-Enable Solution for Mobile Environments
CRC 2010 - Actas da 10a Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, 2010, eds. A. Santos, P. Carvalho, M. Nicolau, et al, ISBN: 978-989-96929-1-6, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal , 2010.
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
A Micro-Mobility Solution for Supporting QoS in Global Mobility
18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2010, ISBN 978-953-290-004-0, IEEE Catalog Number CFP1087A-CDR, FESB, University of Split, Sep, 2010
(Best Student Paper Award)
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
QoS-Aware Architecture for FHMIP Micromobility
International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications (ICUMT 2009), St. Petersburgh, Russia, Oct 12-14, 2009,
(also in IEEE Xplore)
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Evaluating Rate-Estimation for a Mobility and QoS-Aware Network Architecture
17th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2009), Hvar, Croatia, Sep 24-26, 2009,
ISBN 978-953-290-015-6, IEEE Catalog Number CFP0987A-CDR
(also in IEEE Xplore)
João Tomé, Nuno Veiga, Rui Rijo, Alexandre Santos, António Pereira
Contributos para Simulação de Mobilidade de Redes no NS-2
Conferência Ibero-Americana InterTIC 2009 (InterTIC 2009),
Sevilla, Spain, Jun 22-24, 2009.
Maria J Nicolau, António Costa, Alexandre Santos
Design and evaluation of a multi-class based multicast routing protocol
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 5200, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, November 2008, ISBN: 978-3-540-89523-7, pp 325-334
(Revised Selected Papers of the
21st International Conference on Information Networking)
Nuno Vasco Lopes, Maria J Nicolau, Alexandre Santos
Efficiency of PRI and WRR DiffServ Scheduling Mechanisms for Real-Time
Services on UMTS Environment
2nd IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS 2008), Tangier, Morocco, Nov 5-7, 2008, pp 173-178
(also in IEEE Xplore)
Maria J Nicolau, António Costa, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos
Class-based Multicast Routing in Inter-domain Scenarios
Annals of Telecommunications, Vol. 63, n°11-12,
Special Issue on
Inter-Domain Routing and QoS over Heterogeneous Networks , Springer Paris, Nov-Dec 2008
António Costa, Maria J Nicolau, Joaquim Macedo, Alexandre Santos
QoS Aware Multicast Routing Protocols Evaluation through Simulation
1st International Workshop on the Evaluation of Quality of Service through Simulation
in the Future Internet (QoSim 2008),
ACM Digital Library, ISBN 978-9799-20-2, Marseille, France, Mar 3, 2008
Nuno Veiga, Paulo Loureiro, Alexandre Santos
Análise de variantes do protocolo TCP em ambientes de mobilidade
Conferências Engenharias'07 - Inovação e Desenvolvimento, Universidade da Beira Interior,
Covilhã, Portugal, Nov 21-23, 2007
Nuno Veiga, Mário Antunes, Vítor Santos, Alexandre Santos
Experiments with IPv6 Network Mobility Using NEMO Protocol
Int Conf Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2007 (TNS2007),
pp 147-151, ISBN: 978-972-8924-40-9, Lisbon, Portugal, Jul 3-5, 2007
Maria J Nicolau, António Costa, Alexandre Santos
Design and evaluation of a multi-class based multicast routing protocol
21st International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2007),
Estoril, Portugal, Jan 23-25, 2007
Maria João Nicolau, António Costa e Alexandre Santos
Encaminhamento Multicast para Redes com Diferenciação de Serviços
8ª Conf sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC2005), "A Internet e a Adaptabilidade das Redes
e Aplicações às Comutações de Infra-estruturas", FCCN, Portalegre, Portugal, 29-30 Set 2005
António Costa, Maria João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
A New Path Probing Strategy for Inter-domain Multicast Routing
First Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks Traffic Engineering, (NGI'2005)
IEEE Comm Society, Catalog Number 05EX998C, ISBN 0-7803-8901-8,
Libr of Congr 2004116428, Rome, Italy, Apr 18-20, 2005
Ana Lima, Rui Castro, Alexandre Santos, Aderito Marcos The Trans Portugal-Galicia Communication Network
Computer Graphik Topics, ISSN 0936-2770, 16 (4):10-11,
INI-GraphicsNet Foundation, 2004
Bruno Dias, Alexandre Santos, Fernando Boavida
An Introduction to the Network Services Management Framework
Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT'2004),
ACTA Press ISBN 0-88986-445-4, pp 108-114, St Thomas, USA, Nov 22-24, 2004
Solange Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
Managing Services Quality through Admission Control and Active
6th IFIP/IEEE International Conf on Management of Multimedia Networks and
Services, (MMNS 2003), Ed A. Marshall et al, Queen's University Belfast,
N Ireland, Sep 7-10, LNCS 2839, pp. 142-154, 2003
Maria João Nicolau, António Costa, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
Towards Multi-class Based Multicast Routing
Proc 6th IEEE Int Conf on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications
(HSNMC 2003), Ed M. M. Freire et al, Estoril, Portugal, July 23-25, LNCS 2720,
pp. 52-61, Spinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 3-540-40542-9, 2003
Leopoldo Oliveira e Silva, Joaquim Macedo, António Costa, Orlando Belo, Alexandre Santos
Um Sistema de Carregamento por Lotes de Conteúdos Web
VIII Jornadas Ingenieria del Software y Bases de Datos,
JISBD'2003, pp 771-774, 12-14 Noviembre 2003, Alicante.
António Costa, Maria João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
Policy Aware QoS Inter-domain Multicast Routing
Proc of the 2003 Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing
(HPSR 2003), pp 275-280, IEEE Comm Soc, Cat #03TH8660, ISBN
0-7803-7710-9, Libr of Congr #2002114891, Torino, Italy, June 24-28, 2003
Solange Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
A Distributed Admission Control Model for CoS Networks using QoS
and SLS Monitoring
IEEE 2003 International Conference on Comunications (ICC 2003), "CQ6-1:
QoS Control in Networks", Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 11-15, 2003
Maria João Nicolau, António Costa, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
Directed Trees in Multicast Routing
Second International Workshop on QoS in Multiservice IP Networks (QoS-IP 2003),
Milano, Italy, May 24-26 2003, LNCS 2601, pp 320-333, Eds M. Ajmone Marsan
et al, Springer-Verlag, 2003
Solange Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
A Distributed Admission Control Model for Class-Based Networks using
Edge-to-Edge QoS and SLS Monitoring
8th IEEE International Conference on Comunication Systems (ICCS'2002),
Singapore, Nov 24-27, 2002
Leopoldo Silva, Joaquim Macedo, António Costa, Orlando Belo, Alexandre Santos
NetCensus: Medição da evolução dos conteúdos na Web
5ª Conf sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC2002)
FCCN, Faro, Portugal, 26-27 Set 2002
António Costa, Maria João Nicolau, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
Implementação e teste do PIM-SM no Network Simulator
5ª Conf sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC2002)
FCCN, Faro, Portugal, 26-27 Set 2002
Bruno Dias, Alexandre Santos and Fernando Boavida
Internet Network Services Management Framework
IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON'2002), Singapore, Aug 27-20, 2002
Maria João Nicolau, António Costa and Alexandre Santos
A Framework for Multi-class-based Multicast Routing
Terena Networking Conference 2002, Limerick, Ireland, Jun 3-6, 2002
Solange Lima, Magda Silva, Paulo Carvalho, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
Long-Range Dependence of Internet Traffic Agregates
Second International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference, Pisa, Italy, May 19-24,
LNCS 2345, pp 1159-1164, Ed E. Gregori et al, Springer-Verlag 2002
Magda Silva, Solange Lima, Paulo Carvalho, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
Caracterização de Tráfego Diferenciado na Universidade do Minho
Actas da 4ª Conferência de Redes de Computadores (CRC2001),
FCCN, Covilhã, Portugal, Nov 29-30, 2001
José Faria e Alexandre Santos
Avaliação de QoS numa Arquitectura Diffserv
Actas da 3ª Conferência de Redes de Computadores (CRC2000),
FCCN, Viseu, Portugal, Nov 16-17, 2000
Alexandre Santos, Joaquim Macedo, Vasco Freitas
Towards Multicast Session Directory Services
Terena-NORDUnet Networking Conference 1999, Lund, Sweden, Jun 7-10, 1999
Manuel Afonso, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
QoS in Web Caching
3rd International WWW Caching Conference, Manchester, England, Jun 15-17, 1998
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems - The International Journal of
Computer and Telecommunications Networking 30(22-23):2093-2103,
Elsevier Science Pub BV, Nov 1998
Alcino Cunha, Orlando Belo and Alexandre Santos
Modeling Intelligent Decision Making on Electronic Mail Distribution Systems
Proc 3rd International Congress of the Federation of EUROpean SIMulation Societies,
EUROSIM'98, pp 553-560, Helsinki, Finland, Apr 14-17, 1998
Alexandre Santos
Network Technologies and Services: The situation at the University of Minho
Proc of the Seminar: The Universities and the New Electronic Network Information
Services, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, May 18-19, 1995 (in Portuguese)
João Nuno Ferreira, Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas
E-mail services at the University of Minho: A case study
NSC'92 - Network Services Conference 1992, EARN, EUnet/EurOpen,
NORDUnet, RARE, and RIPE, Pisa, Italy, November 3-5, 1992
Vasco Freitas, Alexandre Santos, António G. Rodrigues, José Neves
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Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas, José Neves
Temporal Logic and Concurrent Logic Programming in Protocol
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Alexandre Santos, Vasco Freitas, José Neves
The Specification and Prototyping of Communication Protocols:
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