"A procura por profissionais de TI com conhecimento em redes na América Latina será 35% maior que a oferta de talentos até 2015. América Latina vai precisar de quase 300 mil especialistas em redes"

Computerworld.com.pt, América Latina vai precisar de quase 300 mil especialistas em redes (http://www.computerworld.com.pt/2013/03/11/america-latina-vai-precisar-de-quase-300-mil-especialistas-em-redes/), 11/mar/2013.

"By 2015, Europe is expected to face a shortage of approximately 700,000 ICT practitioners. Lack of skilled workers, often referred as ICT skills gap, remains one of the reasons. Education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics needs to be strengthened and the career image of these fields improved, in particular for women."

EUROPA MEMO/12/252, Q & A on the new Employment package: Towards a job-rich recovery, 18/April/2012.

"By 2008 there will be a shortage of up to half a million people across Europe with the advanced networking technology skills (e.g. IP telephony, security and wireless networking) needed to drive European business"

International Data Cooperation (IDC), Networking Skills in Europe: will an increasing shortage hamper competitiveness in the global market?, 2005.

"According to the U.S. Department of Labor, network systems and data communications analysts is one of the fastest growing occupational areas between 2004 and 2014, with an increase over 54%."

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic and Employment Projections, Dec. 2005


  • I&D em tópicos avançados em redes de comunicações:
    • Redes IP de Próxima Geração - QoS na Internet, IPv6, Mobilidade IP
    • Serviços Multimedia Emergentes iTV, iGames
    • Engenharia de redes fixas e móveis
  • Conceber e desenvolver soluções de rede avançadas;
  • Planear, implementar, configurar e gerir serviços, sistemas e infraestruturas de comunicações.

Perspectivas de trabalho

  • Instituições de I&D;
  • Fornecedores de serviços;
  • Operadores de redes;
  • Indústria
  • Mercado Empresarial

Testemunhos de ex-alunos da Univ. do Minho

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