Enhancing QoS Metrics Estimation in Multiclass Networks

S. Rito Lima, P. Sousa, P. Carvalho

Universidade do Minho
Departamento de Informática
P-4710-057 Braga, Portugal

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E-mail: {solange,pns,pmc} (at) di.uminho.pt


This paper discusses the problematic of QoS monitoring, suggesting the use of on-line multipurpose active monitoring in multiclass networks as a powerful tool to efficiently assist and enhance the control of multiple service levels. To improve the simultaneous estimation of one-way QoS metrics, we propose a flexible probing source able to adjust probing patterns to the measurement requirements of each service class, exploring pattern coloring to better sense packet loss. The proof-of-concept provided shows that the proposed solution improves the estimation accuracy of multiple QoS metrics significantly, with a reduced probing overhead.

22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC'07), Track on Computer Networks, Seoul, Korea, March 11-15, 2007